Driving etiquette

Driving etiquette relates to the general courtesy rules which communities expect the operators of vehicles to follow while driving.[1][2][3] Use of the term dates back to the early 1900s and the use of horse drawn carriages.[4] Good driving etiquette typically involves being courteous and staying alert which varies by vehicle, situation, and location (etiquette for driving an F1 car[5] involves different rules than etiquette for driving an RV[6]). Failure to adhere to this behavior can lead to increased risk of road collisions, anxiety, and to acts of road rage.[7] Driving etiquette can extend beyond in-vehicle actions:[8] "When a courteous driver scrapes the fender or inflicts minor damage to a parked car without its owner present, he leaves a note giving his name, his telephone number, and the name of the insurance company. If the owner is present, the courteous driver exchanges insurance information politely and contacts the proper authorities right away without incident". Breaches in driving etiquette can often be addressed amiably with a simple and immediate expression of apology.[9] The general guiding principle behind driver etiquette is "one good turn deserves another".[10] It is considered vital that everyone adheres to good driving etiquette.[11] Speeding and aggressive driving, both examples of poor driving etiquette, have been cited as negative factors related to rural highways.[12] Drivers need education about driving etiquette to prevent them getting into accidents.[13]


Driving etiquette by country

Motorists in the United States and northern Europe are described as "predictably law-abiding", while the driving in Russia and India is referred to as being in a "madcap road-rally style".[14]


"Many Chileans have tendency to speed, pull out of lanes without signalling, and rarely demonstrate driving etiquette when it comes to cyclists".[15]


Driving etiquette is still in its early stages in China, where people have driven vehicles for well over 3000 years.[16] As a result, traffic can at times be chaotic, and some road courtesies are often ignored.[17] Taxi and bus drivers will commonly aim their vehicles at pedestrians in order to get them to move out of the way more quickly, with regular honking of automobile horns the norm.[18]


After analyzing the culture of German driving, "taking all this into consideration, it is not surprising that the Germans developed a driving etiquette that varies from the American. The German driver is aggressive".[19]


Loud honking, always ceding the way to vehicles traveling on uphill mountainous passes, and passing on blind curves is considered normal driving etiquette in Guatemala.[20]


Hyderabad has "what could be considered the worst driving etiquette in the country".[21]


It is considered good etiquette in Kenya to honk your horn to warn other vehicles of rocks or debris on the road ahead. Turn signals are commonly used to indicate if a driver wishes to be overtaken or not.[22]


Few Macedonias wear a seat belt, even though it is illegal not to in that country, or "follow any form of land discipline and driving etiquette".[23]


In Manila, the collisions of horse-drawn conveyances (which "jam...every cranny of the city") produce "fist-fights [instead of] fatalities". Visitor David Rutter says that "there was no hint that anyone else had been taught the concept of driving etiquette or skill at maneuvering the streets".[24]

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico's driving "tends towards mild anarchy". Speeding passed traffic on the shoulder of a road is "perfectly acceptable". After letting ambulances or police cars overtake them, it is common for drivers to heavily tailgate that car. "Merging into a throughfare from a side road is simply a matter of nosing your automobile into traffic until a generous fellow traveler waves you in or until you force them to a screeching halt".[14]


In Turkey, flashing of headlights is commonly used to indicate that the driver intends to go first.[25]

South Africa

A "strange but pleasant bit of South African driving etiquette" involves "pulling over onto the tarred hard shoulder to let the car behind overtake in safety". This is done regardless of whether there is traffic or not. The overtaker is expected to flick their hazard lights as a sign of saying thanks.[26]

South Korea

Recently, South Korea has improved its driving etiquette. It has been suggested that it is as if South Korea is learning how to be a modern country.[27]

United States

72% of Americans believe that driving etiquette has worsened over the last 10 years.[28]

Examples of bad driving etiquette

The following acts are commonly cited as examples of bad driving etiquette.[29][30] In many cases, while the action does not pose any actual threat, it is considered to be a pet peeve of many drivers.

Pet peeves

Although in some cases they pose no actual threat or danger, some actions are seen as unpleasant or pet peeves and thus class as bad driving etiquette.

Ed Janicki of the October 1981 issue of Scouting, cites the following as driving pet peeves: "drivers ahead of [him] who do not use turn signals before making a turn", teenage drivers who blare out music on the radio while they wait at a stop sign, women to apply lipstick at a red light, "drivers who park in the middle of a yellow line...taking up two car spaces", vans that tailgate [him] on the freeway and drivers who "zigzag from left lane to middle lane to right lane...and exceed the speed limit because they're behind schedule".[34]

Vicky Deoster, author of The Wacky World of Womanhood, cites "driving around the parking lot for an hour in order to get the closest spot" and insinuating that constantly pressing down on the pedal counts as exercise as driving pet peeve of hers.[35]

The poem "Car Complaints and Pet Peeves", by Michael Burdick, expresses the perspective of a car which explains how certain pet peeves cause it to "rust" and "overheat" etc. The piece mentions the following as driving pet peeves: traffic jams, "parking-lot induced dents and scratches", people who drive irresponsibly and use their handicap plates as an excuse, "pulling out in front of fellow drivers", "driving well below the posted speed limits", "weaving from lane to lane", "driving too close to the centreline", "terrible roads", "flying debris from uncovered trucks", litter on the road, and people blinding oncoming traffic with headlights.[36]


  1. ^ "International Driving Etiquette". h2g2. http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/A139501. Retrieved December 9, 2011. 
  2. ^ Driving Etiquette 101
  3. ^ Driving Etiquette | Etiquette School of Ohio
  4. ^ Encyclopaedia of Etiquette: A Book ... - Emily Holt - Google Books
  5. ^ Formula One racing for dummies - Jonathan Noble, Mark Hughes - Google Books
  6. ^ RVing Basics - Bill Moeller, Jan Moeller - Google Books
  7. ^ Cincinnati Magazine - Google Books
  8. ^ Driving Etiquette
  9. ^ Etiquette: reflections on ... - Ron Scapp, Brian Seitz - Google Books
  10. ^ Manitoba Public Insurance > Driving Tips
  11. ^ IEEE Xplore - Paradigm of information security as interdisciplinary comprehensive science
  12. ^ Transportation Research Board - Journal Article
  13. ^ a b LI_2009-08-04 - Motorcycles
  14. ^ a b Kurt Pitzer, Tara Stevens. Adventure Guide to Puerto Rico. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=gc410GjJkdIC&pg=PT50&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=1_3fTuytLoqGmQXgntmQBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  15. ^ Nicholas Gill, Caroline Lascom, Christie Pashby (2009). Frommer's Chile & Easter Island. p. 68. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=i7vQrwl1dHAC&pg=PA68&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=I_3fTuzMCa7KmAWGpvTtBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  16. ^ "Dynasties Witness Rise and Fall of Chariots". China Daily. 2001-03-14. http://www.china.org.cn/english/MATERIAL/28792.htm. Retrieved 2012-12-08. "Historical records show that chariots were already in extensive use in the Xia Dynasty (BC 21st-16th c.)." 
  17. ^ "Travelling to China for the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games". http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1477893907000907. Retrieved December 2, 2011. 
  18. ^ Inside the New China: An ... - Gene Ayres - Google Books
  19. ^ Michaël Byram, Carol Morgan (1994). Teaching-and-learning language-and-culture. p. 11. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=b56ViQxUtTkC&pg=PA11&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=1_3fTuytLoqGmQXgntmQBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  20. ^ Lonely Planet Guatemala - Lucas Vidgen, Daniel C Schechter - Google Books
  21. ^ Pippa deBruyn, Keith Bain, Niloufer Venkatraman, Shonar Joshi. Frommer's India. p. 291. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=qMqBvtL_nI0C&pg=PA290&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=1_3fTuytLoqGmQXgntmQBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  22. ^ Rough guide to Kenya - Richard Trillo - Google Books
  23. ^ Evans, Thammy (2009). Macedonia. p. 88. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=YVPshBLnW_cC&pg=PA88&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=I_3fTuzMCa7KmAWGpvTtBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  24. ^ Rutter, David (2010). Olga's War: The Memoir of Olga Zervoulakos Owens. p. 68. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=pxFRC5-FXhQC&pg=PA68&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=1_3fTuytLoqGmQXgntmQBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  25. ^ Turkey - Charlotte McPherson - Google Books
  26. ^ Noonan, Patrick (2003). Go to Google Books Home Advanced Book Search They're burning the churches: the final dramatic events that scuttled apartheid. p. 212. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=48iHOXlrHBkC&pg=RA1-PA212&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=1_3fTuytLoqGmQXgntmQBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  27. ^ Stephens, William (2003). Morality & Citizenship: England Compared With Underdeveloped Countries. p. 16. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=OT9lwtweplEC&pg=PA16&dq=%22Driving+etiquette%22+country&hl=en&ei=I_3fTuzMCa7KmAWGpvTtBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Driving%20etiquette%22%20country&f=false. Retrieved December 8, 2011. 
  28. ^ The Etiquette Advantage: Rules for ... - June Hines Moore - Google Books
  29. ^ Top 10: Driving Etiquette Mistakes - AskMen
  30. ^ Driving Etiquette: Avoid These Common Driving Errors
  31. ^ "Aggressive Driving - Personal Injury Law". Pralaw.com. http://www.pralaw.com/LegalResources/Articles.aspx?article=1. Retrieved December 9, 2011. 
  32. ^ Driving Etiquette Refresher | Car Pool with Bill
  33. ^ Drivers on Cell Phones Are as Bad as Drunks - University of Utah News Release: June 29th, 2006
  34. ^ Scouting - Google Books
  35. ^ The Wacky World of Womanhood: Essays ... - Vicky DeCoster - Google Books
  36. ^ Chrome Cadavers & Bullring Buddies - Michael Burdick - Google Books